Publicado o 2023-03-21

Narci Rodríguez dA Trío #APOLLOIIIADINFINITUM# in memoriam Tono Da Silva Tour dates+news+CD + Download available here: https://www.narcirodriguez.com​ Subscribe! Narci Rodríguez(vocals & bass) Ilmarto (drums) Zalo Rodríguez (keyboards,synth) Produced by Narci Rodríguez, Iago Pico,Ilmarto, Zalo Rodríguez Recorded -Mixed-Mastered by Iago Pico (Pouland Studios,2022) Video by Miguel Barreiro Narci Rodríguez dA Trío Narci Rodríguez© ************************************************************ Lyrics Losing by submission back up on your feet wait until your turn comes then you ́ll have your chance losing your religion build your own faith confess your sins to yourself it’s the only way Think about your reasons reasons for not being brave you have a life to explain yourself but where do you start? Absolutes inside you growing really fast you may think they’re yours but do your ever dare to ask? Dig it!, dig it!, dig it! Self-mastery is a long path patience is required you must also be aware if the bet was raised killing premonitions get rid of your fears take the risk and die living and don’t live being dead Dig it!, dig it!, dig it!

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