“Shane MacGowan”, é unha canción feita con todo o cariño, amor e admiración para o inesquecible Shane e ese seu monllo de puñais emocionais que nos deixou para sempre coas súas composicións. RUXE RUXE dende Aríns (Compostela-Gz) e Brian Brody dende Dublín desexamos de corazón que vos guste moito e que celebredes con nós esta homenaxe á memoria, á honra e a música do noso amado Shane. ...................... "Shane MacGowan", is a song made with all the affection, love and admiration for the unforgettable Shane and his many emotional daggers that left us forever with his compositions. RUXE RUXE from Aríns (Compostela-Gz) and Brian Brody from Dublin, we wish from the bottom of our hearts that you will like it very much and that you will celebrate with us this tribute to the memory, the honor and the music of our beloved Shane. Gravada por Kaki Arkarazo nos Gárate Studios en Andoain (Gipuzkoa-Euskadi) con adaptación da letra ao inglés por Marta Portela. Video na Casa das Crechas, en Compostela, gravado e feito por Alberto Lora. Contacto e contratación NAVE DE LATA - LUNEDA PRODUCIÓNS +34 646 165 044 +34 666 653 835 Este enderezo de correo está a ser protexido dos robots de correo lixo. Precisa activar o JavaScript para velo. LYRIC Everything seems rubbish tonight Everywhere I look I just see bad memories At the moment the city is a shithole Full of souls that are trapped and are drowning in the mud. And at the back of the pub the hours go by And at the bar of the pub the days fly by And in the middle of the pub we break our word It’s time to run away and lose yourself and to listen to ... Shane MacGowan A stormy night filled up with nightmares With elusive hopes, coffins and endless shivers Reeking of failure and high decibels With skeletons dancing in eternal parades And at the back of the pub the hours go by And at the bar of the pub the days fly by And in the middle of the pub we break our word It’s time to run away and lose yourself and to listen to ... Shane MacGowan